Video Testimonial: SonicFill - Simple and Practical Approach to Posterior Composites

Kerr Corporation

In this video, Greg Gillespie, DDS and Brad Gillespie, DMD of Gillespie Dentistry share their first impressions of SonicFill, the sonic-activated bulk fill composite from Kerr Corporation. The doctors go on to explain in detail how SonicFill is an easy, practical approach to posterior composites and how they've adopted its use in their practice.

Dr. Greg Gillespie:  Hi.  I’m Dr. Greg Gillespie.

Dr. Brad Gillespie:  I’m Dr. Brad Gillespie.  We practice together in Vancouver, Washington.

Dr. Greg Gillespie:  It’s a lot of fun.

Dr. Brad Gillespie:  We love it.  When Dr. Greg was able to get one of the first SonicFill handpieces to come in, you told me about it, and I think you happen to not be working that next day.  So, low and behold it ended up on my side of the office, and he came looking for it later on, and I told him he’d have to wait until I’m done, because we--I started on the first one and was amazed at how good it was, and I wasn’t about to let him use it as long as I had some restorative work to do.

Dr. Greg Gillespie:  I was doing a little more--the consistency threw me for a little bit in the beginning, but as soon as I did a couple more, I started going over to his side and grabbing it more and more often to the point that I wasn’t sharing anymore.  This was mine.  I got it.

Dr. Brad Gillespie:  He kept trying to say, “Hey, they sent this to me to use,” and I’m like, “Hey, you snooze you lose.  First come, first serve here.”  So--.

Dr. Greg Gillespie:  --So, we bought another one.  We couldn’t share anymore.

Dr. Brad Gillespie:  Talked to another dentists there’s always been a concern, especially with a new product, you know, “Am I going to get burned two years down the road?”  And I’ve been using it enough my clinical results are such that I’ve got great confidence in it, and it takes away all the variables that you were afraid about before.  You know, the bulk cure’s what we all want, and it works, and then it’s esthetic.  You get great contours.  Radiographically it looks fantastic.  And, you know, especially using the self-etch, you’re not getting the sensitivity.  So, you get all these benefits that you don’t have to be afraid of for the future.

Dr. Greg Gillespie:  And when you use SonicFill you feel more confident in what you’re doing, and when you see it on the radiograph, when they come back for that six month check and you take an x-ray, you’re thinking, “Yeah--.

Dr. Brad Gillespie:  --You’re like, “Hey that looks good--.”

Dr. Greg Gillespie:  --That was good.”  So, it’s--definitely, it gives you confidence.

Dr. Brad Gillespie:  I think along with that the other thing that gives us confidence in SonicFill is matching that with OptiBond XTR.  I used OptiBond Solo Plus for, you know, most of my composites, especially with layering.  I mean, that’s just kind of a standard where you do the etch first and then use OptiBond Solo Plus and XTR have not missed a beat.  In fact it’s been better because it cut down on postop sensitivity because you can use--it’s a self-etch, but it’s been so strong.  Margins look fantastic.  I mean, the ease of use.  And I’ve got full confidence that I’m getting great bond strengths, and I haven’t missed anything moving to the sixth generation and moving to OptiBond XTR has been fantastic.

Dr. Greg Gillespie:  It’s really become our universal go-to bonding agent.

Dr. Brad Gillespie:  Yeah, I think one of the biggest drawbacks of doing composites in dentistry is just the time it takes to place those composites, and actually a few years ago Greg and I were having an actual conversation where he asked me, you know, “What kind of innovations do you think would be cool in dentistry?”  And I said, “Well, if you can bulk fill and be able to get done with your procedures faster that’s a huge savings in, you know, time and money.  That would be my ideal.”  And then low and behold SonicFill comes along and, you know, it was--I almost thought it too good to be true, but then in using it, it was exactly what I hoped for, because you can bulk fill, save time, fantastic looking restorations, contacts are wonderful, x-ray--radiographically it looks great.  I mean, it’s the whole package.

I think one thing about SonicFill with profitability, you know, you’ll hear different experts or different people recommend doing quadro [sp] dentistry, and if you’re doing fills, you’re doing composite restorations, everybody knows that your back’s hurting afterwards.  It’s taking a long time--.

Dr. Greg Gillespie:  --It takes a long time.  It’s hard--.

Dr. Brad Gillespie:  --And afterwards you’re wondering to yourself, “How profitable was that appointment?”  Well, if you’re shaving time off of a fill because you can bulk fill on those restorations, now you truly are profitable because you’re getting more done in a shorter amount of time, and you can schedule such that is more profitable and it’s--you know, it’s easier on you to do it.  There’s just a number of factors there that really lend itself to being able to utilize your time in a more efficient manner that translates into a better bottom line.

Dr. Greg Gillespie:  You know, the bottom line is is that we found a better way to do posterior composites.  It’s just--it’s better, and we have full confidence in it.

Dr. Brad Gillespie:  You know, a five millimeter bulk cure material no one else offers it, and it’s hands down the best material to be using for composite restorations.

