The Dentsply Caulk Dispensing Gun is used to express impression materials and bite registration materials from cartridges and for the fabrication of temporaries in the patient’s mouth. It consists of a release lever and a plunger, which are coordinated simultaneously to load and remove the cartridge. The gun also consists of a trigger to dispense the material.
To load the cartridge, the release lever is held and the plunger is pulled all the way back into the dispenser handle. The top clasp is lifted up to open the cartridge lock. The cartridge is inserted with the v-shaped notch facing down and the top clasp is closed to lock the cartridge.
To remove the cartridge, the release lever is held up and the plunger is pulled backwards.
To dispense impression material, the dispenser trigger is squeezed with even pressure. Once the trigger is released, the material stops flowing.
The dispenser may be cleaned by scrubbing with hot water and soap or detergent. Dispensers that have been exposed to contaminated hands or a spray of body fluids or tissues must be disinfected with a hospital-level disinfectant. Sodium hypochlorite (5.25%) and isopropyl alcohol would be acceptable disinfectants. Iodophor-based products and phenolic agents should be avoided since they may cause surface staining. Also, agents that contain organic solvents, such as alcohol, may dissolve the plastic dispenser and plunger, according to the manufacturer.
I use two dispensing guns at the same time while making impressions in a stock tray. One gun is loaded with the light body impression material, which is loaded into the intraoral syringe by backfilling to avoid any air voids. The intraoral syringe is used to dispense the impression material intraorally around the prepared tooth to obtain precise margins. The other gun is loaded with the medium body impression material. The medium body is dispensed onto the stock tray with a layer of the light body dispensed on top.
When using a custom tray, I use only one gun, which is loaded with the light body impression material. The material is extruded into the intraoral syringe first .The remaining material in the cartridge is dispensed into the custom tray, which is then inserted into the patient’s mouth.
For bite registration records, I use the gun with the cartridge loaded directly in the patient’s mouth.
Using a dispensing gun is easier for mixing material than hand mixing. Additionally, the unit provides reliable dosing, which consistently produces a homogeneous as well as a void-free mix of the base and the catalyst pastes. All with reduced waste. It is extremely easy to operate. In addition, the more rapid mixing potential extends the traditional working time of the material.
A dental assistant is required to load the intraoral syringe and the custom or stock tray. The dental assistant has to be efficient and quick to load the syringe and tray to take maximum advantage of the working time and avoid wastage of material.
Considering the negligible drawback that the dispensing gun has, every dental professional should consider using it in their dental practices.
Review Synopsis
Dentsply Caulk Impression Material Dispensing Gun
The Good
Consistent homogeneous and void-free impression mix obtained. Working time of the material is extended. Can be used for multiple procedures.
The Bad
The dental assistant has to be efficient and quick.
The Bottom Line
The Dentsply Caulk Dispensing Gun should be used to practice efficient dentistry.