Super-Snap Rainbow Technique Kit is a product of Shofu Inc. for contouring, finishing and polishing all micro-filled and hybrid composite restorations. The kit contains 20 pieces each of four color-coded disks and mini-disks, four mandrels for holding the disks, forty polystrips, two pieces of Dura-White Stones and one piece of CompoSite Fine Point.
The color-coded disks are arranged and packaged in a semi-circular tray and come in black (coarse) for contouring, violet (medium) for finishing, green (fine) for polishing and red (superfine)for super-polishing. The black and violet disks are either safe-side down or double sided, whereas the green and red are only double sided. All the disks come in mini sizes, too. The disks have an elastic shank mount, making it easier to place the disk onto the mandrel. The disks are without metal centres and do not leave the mandrel exposed.
The polystrips are used for inter-proximal finishing and polishing. Two different types of strips are provided. One strip has a coarse grit end (black) and a medium grit end (violet).The other type has a fine grit end (green) and a super fine grit end (red).
The mandrel is made of metal and was re-designed to hold the disks more securely during use.
The Dura-White Stones are made of micro-grained aluminum oxide grits and are used for fine finishing enamel, composites, compomers and porcelain. The CompoSite Fine Polishers are for polishing micro and hybrid composites.The disks and polystrips are disposable, but the Dura-White stones and CompoSite Fine Points are autoclavable for re-use.
Since the disks are manufactured without a metal center, gouging and discoloration of the finished restorations are avoided, which is a drawback with many other finishing kits. The disks are flexible, enabling them to bend under pressure without breaking. This makes for easy access into the interdental areas for contouring and polishing. I use the interproximal strips in the order of their grits (i.e. from coarse to superfine) to get rid of any flash present, and to achieve smooth interproximal surfaces.
The CompoSite Fine Polisher is very handy for quick polishing of any hybrid or micro-filled composite restoration. The recommended r.p.m. is 10,000 to 12,000, with 15,000 being the maximum r.p.m. I use the fine polisher with Ultradent’s Diamond Polish to obtain excellent shine and gloss for my restorations.
In my opinion, the large size disks are not very useful since they are hard to maneuver in interproximal areas and cover more area than the restoration itself. I personally have hardly used them and feel they are not cost beneficial at all. I use the mini disks all the time. They are the right size and are easy to handle.
All in all, the Super-Snap Rainbow Technique Kit can be used for faster finishing and polishing of composite restorations to save time without compromising the quality.
Review Synopsis
Shofu Super-Snap Rainbow Technique Kit
The Good
Disks are manufactured without a metal centre, which prevents inadvertent damage to the finished restoration. The mini disks are flexible, providing easy access to interproximal areas.
The Bad
The large size disks are not easily maneuverable.
The Bottom Line
Faster finishing and polishing of composite restorations without compromising the quality.