Glass Ionomer Cements

Glass ionomer cements are a restorative dental material used for filling teeth and securing crowns, bridges, onlays and other dental appliances inside the mouth while also providing fluoride release. These cements combine a silicate glass powder and an ionomer which can be an acid in order to create the bond between the restoration and the natural tooth structure. Along with conventional glass ionomer cements, there are variations including resin-modified glass ionomer cements, hybrid ionomer cements, tri-cure glass ionomer and metal reinforced glass ionomer cements. Setting times vary between products and most are either self-cure or dual cure. There are a variety of options when choosing glass ionomer cements, and as with all dental materials, follow the manufacturer's instructions for use to obtain optimal outcomes.
CompanyGC America Inc.DenMatKerrDentsply Sirona Restorative3M
ItemFuji PLUS Multipurpose CementInfinity SyringeableNexus RMGI Resin-Modified Glass Ionomer Luting CementPrinciple Compomer CementRelyX Luting Cement
DescriptionGC Fuji PLUS is a resin reinforced glass ionomer luting cement designed for final cementation of metal, porcelain-fused-to-metal and metal free crownsInfinity is a dual-cure, fluoride releasing, hybrid resin-ionomer cement. Its high bonding strength, tough fracture resistance, low-film thickness, Only Kerr Nexus™ RMGI combines One-Peel™ cleanup, tack cure capability, and outstanding bond strength for consistent predictable outcomes.
As the
Principle Self-Adhesive Compomer Cement is a self-cure (dual-cure feasible for facilitated cleanup), high strength adhesive cement which releases A hybrid glass ionomer permanent cement that is fast setting, strong and easy to use. The RelyX luting cement introductory kit includes 16g powder,
QuantityCapsule No Etch Starter Package Contains:
50 Capsules (0.36 g Powder and 0.18 g (0.16 mL) Liquid Per Capsule)
Capsule Applier

Powder Liquid No Etch Package Contains:
1 Bottle Powder 15 g (0.53 ounces)
1 Bottle Liquid (7 mL)
Mixing Pad

Value Kit: 3 10 g (0.35 ounces) Syringes
60 Auto-Mix Dispensing Tips Syringes
3 dual syringes (5 g)
translucent white, 24 1:1 automix tips (regular)
Directions for Use and Technique Guide
Principle Standard Pack:
Contains 12 g (0.42 ounces) Tooth Colored Powder
6 g (0.2 ounces) Liquid Soap
Mixing Pad
16 g (0.56 ounces) Powder
9 mL Liquid
Compressive Strength150 MpaNot AvailableNot AvailableNot Available111.7 +/- 26.0 MPa
Tensile Bond Strength25 MpaNot AvailableNot Available11.2 - 15.0 MPa21.9 +/- 4.4 MPa
Dual/Self CureSelf CureDual CureDualDual CureSelf Cure
Resin ModifiedYesNot AvailableNot AvailableYesYes
Bond Strength to Dentin MPA14 MpaNot AvailableNot Available11.2 - 15.0 MPa9 - 11 MPa
HardnessNot AvailableNot AvailableNot AvailableNot AvailableLow
Film Thickness10 µmLow<10µm36 µm0.017 +/- 0.0026 mm
Working TimePowder and Liquid Mix = 2.5 minutes
Capsule Mix = 2 minutes
Not Available≥1.5 minutes4 minutes2.5 minutes
Set Time5 minutesNot AvailableNot Available3 minutes (Self Cure)
20 - 40 seconds (Light)
10 minutes
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