DMG recently announced its new universal composite, Ecosite Elements. It will be officially introduced at the Greater New York Dental Meeting, which is slated for November 26 to 29.
The nanohybrid composite enables dental professionals to quickly and efficiently deliver esthetic restorations, especially for challenging cases, according to a press release.
The Ecosite Elements line offers a compact range of shades across three modules (Pure, Layer and Highlight), making selection more manageable. It also reduces storage and inventory expenses. The composite is packaged in ergonomically optimized dispensers, and the available shades provide all the options needed for dentin or enamel replacement, layering, individualization and covering discolorations with easy, accurate shade matching.
The composite’s mechanical values are well suited for the anterior and posterior regions. With the precise silanization of individual ultrafine filler elements enabling homogeneous distribution, its NC1 technology delivers optimum working characteristics and polishability and leads to esthetic, lifelike results.
NC1 technology makes the Push-and-Flow technique possible, enabling the material to adjust to each situation. The firm consistency becomes noticeably softer during sculpting, allowing the material to securely adapt to the cavity walls and eliminating bubbles or cracks.
The new composite can be used in concert with other materials in the Ecosite family, including Ecosite Bulk Fill and Ecosite Bond.
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