Complimentary Whitepaper Shows Dentists Best Ways to Increase CEREC, Invisalign and Zoom Sales
Los Angeles – Futuredontics®, the nation’s leading provider of dental marketing services, is offering a free download of its new whitepaper: “Selling Patients on CEREC, Zoom, Invisalign & Other Treatment Technologies.” This exclusive report provides dentists with best practices for promoting a wide range of specialized treatment technologies, including CAD/CAM restorations, invisible braces, dental lasers and digital radiography.
Treatment options have major marketing impact when dentists know the right way to promote them to patients. Futuredontics’ whitepaper offers detailed strategies to help dentists get the maximum marketing results from their investment in dental treatment technology. The report stresses that the secret to increasing demand for specialized treatments like CEREC and Zoom Teeth Whitening is for dentists to “think like a patient.” Topics covered range from the best and worst ways to discuss technology with patients to simple tips for promoting sophisticated treatments using a practice’s existing marketing tools.
“This free whitepaper shows dentists how to leverage their treatment technology to attract more new patients and increase case acceptance,” said Futuredontics CEO Michael Turner. “Our goal is to teach dentists proven marketing techniques that get patients asking for treatments like Invisalign by name.”
Futuredontics is a recognized leader in helping dentists generate production by promoting their practice’s technological capabilities. PatientActivator® — the company’s popular communications, social and online presence service — offers custom emails, e-newsletter articles and Facebook promotions that make it easy to sell patients on the advantages of CEREC, Invisalign and many other treatments.
“Dental practices are spending a fortune on treatment technologies to provide their patients with the best care possible,” Turner continued. “We’re doing everything we can to ensure these remarkable treatments are properly promoted so that both patients and dentists benefit from the investment.”
Dental professionals can download a complimentary copy of “Selling Patients on CEREC, Zoom, Invisalign & Other Treatment Technologies” by visiting: