Futuredontics Offers Complimentary AADOM Memberships As Part of a New Sponsorship
Los Angeles – Futuredontics, the nation’s leading dental marketing company, announced today the renewal of its Ruby Sponsorship with the American Association of Dental Office Managers (AADOM). As AADOM’s official dental marketing company, Futuredontics will offer a complimentary 1-year AADOM membership (or extension) to office managers who take a demo of the company’s PatientActivator® software.
The partnership combines two of the most powerful resources for office managers to create a robust set of time-saving tools. PatientActivator automatically generates patient reviews, confirms appointments, and makes it easy to promote the practice on Facebook and other social media – plus it features a new mobile app and unlimited free live support. AADOM provides access to the most respected network of dental office managers in the country, with a thriving online forum, annual conference, magazine, online newsletter and more.
“Office managers play an important role in both running and marketing the dental practice,” explained Michael Turner, CEO of Futuredontics. “This partnership provides them with much needed tools to save time and increase efficiency in their day-to-day work, including educational resources, marketing services and access to a community of like-minded dental professionals.”
According to a recent survey conducted by Futuredontics, dental office managers are being asked to take on more and more roles within the dental practice, but often have access to the fewest resources. PatientActivator and AADOM joined together to change this by providing office managers with increased support including office-manager enhancements in PatientActivator, free training webinars with useful tips and best practices and unlimited access to the AADOM online community.
“This is a game-changer for dental office managers,” added Turner. “Our patient communication, social media and dental marketing services combined with the unbelievable benefits of an AADOM membership provide office managers with the tools to achieve even greater success.”
In addition to PatientActivator (patient communication & online marketing), Futuredontics’ popular services include its flagship 1-800-DENTIST program (new patient leads), WebDirector (dental websites & online identity), ReputationMonitor (online reputation management), and ReActivation Pro (dormant patient reactivation). The company also boasts a library of educational resources for dental practices, including marketing whitepapers, on-demand Webinars, and dental industry surveys.
For more information or to take a demo, call 1-855-244-2967.