1-800-DENTIST’s Free Whitepaper Tells Dentists What Patients Really Want
Los Angeles – 1-800-DENTIST®, the dental industry’s premier dental marketing company, has released a new, free whitepaper, “What Dental Patients Want.” The report, based on a nationwide consumer survey conducted by an independent research firm, analyzes real patients’ attitudes towards dentists and dentistry – and provides dentists with practical advice on how to improve practice reputation and performance.
The free whitepaper explores the greatest influences on dental patients’ decision-making process, diving into a wide range of topics including costs, treatment plan presentations, online reviews, appointment availability, dentist websites, marketing, word-of-mouth-referrals and insurance.
Dentists can request a free copy of “What Dental Patients Want” by calling 1-855-235-7034 or visiting www.1800dentist.com/WhatDentalPatientsWant. At the same time, they’ll be given a 10-minute demo of 1-800-DENTIST’s newest marketing tools that provide turnkey solutions for practice growth, social media, patient communication, online reputation management, websites and much more.
“Being out of sync with patient expectations and behavior can significantly limit dental offices’ production,” said Michael Turner, CEO of 1-800-DENTIST. “Dentists will be surprised by some of the simple things that drive patients away. This report offers a peek behind the curtain into the minds of dental patients and reveals surprising trends that will drastically alter the way practices relate to patients.”
Most importantly, “What Dental Patients Want” also provides practical tips for using this insight to make adjustments in the dental offices to improve new patient acquisition, retention and loyalty. Find out what patients are really thinking – and what to do about it to grow your practice and increase production.
“Dentists can spend a lot of time and energy trying to understand patients,” added Turner. “This whitepaper takes the out guesswork and provides a blueprint for practices to increase production and profitability.”
The new whitepaper is the latest in a series of dental marketing reports published by
1-800-DENTIST. These free resources are offered to complement the company’s full suite of marketing products, which offers solutions for every aspect of dental practice growth.