A 48-year-old female patient of mine presented with large failing amalgam restorations on teeth Nos. 18, 19, and 20.
We discussed a variety of treatment options. After discussing the pros and cons of each, we decided to place cuspal coverage crowns made with Ivoclar Vivadent’s ZirPress fluorapatite glass-ceramic ingots be pressed on IPS e.max ZirCAD framework.
Here’s a pictorial of the case:
This pre-operative view shows the large failing amalgam restorations on teeth 18-20 from the occlusal view….
…and the facial view.
After amalgam and caries were removed and teeth were prepped, splinted provisionals, shown here, were placed.
At the seating appointment, the provisional restorations were removed, revealing healthy gingival tissue.
Multilink primer was applied for 15 seconds per tooth.
Here are the three completed crowns delivered from the lab.
The crowns were seated and excess Multilink cement is extruded at the margins.
The cement is partially cured using the “wave technique” for 3 seconds.
Large pieces of excess cement were removed with a sickle scaler.
Here are the crowns immediately after cement removal,….
and post-operatively from the buccal….
…and the occlusal.
IPS e.Max CAD/CAM Block is an innovative lithium disilicate glass-ceramic (LS2) block for the CAD/CAM technology. IPS e.max CAD blocks are suitable …