
Core Build-up Materials

Core build-up materials are used when there is not enough healthy tooth left for proper crown placement. Building up the core of the tooth with resin or plastic composites allows for better retention of the crown and reduced sensitivity while strengthening the tooth itself. Composition of core build-up materials should be close to that of dentin. Core build-up materials may be light-cured, self-cured or dual cured. A benefit of dual cure is the assurance of complete curing even in areas that may be hard to reach for the curing light. Curing times vary but are often completed within 5 minutes. Vendors often offer a compatible natural or opaque shade as well as a contrasting color for easy core identification. For easy application, many vendors offer auto-mix syringes with needle tips for perfect placement, many of these are self-adhesive, however be sure to inquire whether a bonding agent is needed. There are a multitude of core build-up products on the market, research and choose the product that will best fit in with your needs.
CompanyBisco, Inc.Bisco, Inc.
ItemCore-Flo DC Dual-Cured Flowable Core Build-Up/Dentin Replacement MaterialCore-Flo DC Lite
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DescriptionCORE-FLO DC is a dual-cured, core material that is dispensed with an auto-mix dual-syringe dispenser. CORE-FLO DC is ideal for core build-up, post CORE-FLO DC Lite is a dual-cured core material that is dispensed with an auto-mix dual-syringe. CORE-FLO DC Lite’s optimal self-leveling viscosity
Quantity1 dual-cured syringe (8g) available in Natural/A1 and Opaque White1 dual-cured syringe (8g) available in Natural/A1 and Opaque White Shades, 1 dual-cured syringe (8g) in Natural/A1, 1 dual-cured syringe (8g) in Opaque White, 1 Bottle ea. Universal Primer Parts A&B (6ml ea.)
Cure TypeDual CureDual Cure
Compressive StrengthLC = Nat: 269 MPa, Opaque: 273 MPa SC = Nat: 259 MPa, Opaque: 256 MPaLight Cure = Nat: 258, Opaque: 233 MPa
Self Cure = Nat: 205, Opaque: 215 Mpa
*BISCO has data on file
Set Time7 minutes7 Minutes (max.) at room temperature
Material TypeCompositeComposite
Bonding Agent NeededYesYes
Bond Strengthn/a since bonding agent neededN/A since bonding agent needed
Opaque White
Opaque White
DispensingDual-SyringeAutomix Dual Syringe
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