Dichroic Reflector – A coating on the reflector of a halogen light that allows visible light to be reflected back while allowing infrared light (heat) to pass through.
The black-body radiance (Bλ) vs. wavelength (λ) curves for the visible spectrum demonstrating the different color temperatures of light.
Color Temperature – Sunlight is considered to have all colors of the rainbow, and has a neutral color temperature of 5000 K. A light with more orange or red is said to have a warmer color temperature, and will have a lower number. A light with more blue is said to have a cooler color temperature, and will have a higher number.
Color Rendering Index – A measure of how well the colors appear on the subject from a given light source. Basically, how well the operatory lights the oral cavity and shows its true color.
Illuminance – The amount of light hitting a surface area, essentially a measure of brightness.